Category: Biography


This is Why it’s Okay to be Angry at Anyone who Voted for Trump

guest opinion Opinion: They were warned about Project 2025, autocracy, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and we’re suffering the consequences because of their ignorance, John Casey writes John Casey February 03 2025 7:00 AM EST I have a message to anyone who voted for Donald Trump, particularly those who thought he’d lower their food and gas bills, or those who questioned whether Kamala Harris was a good candidate: your stupidity is revolting. You deserve all the tyranny that is about to befall you — and unfortunately, the rest of us who heeded the waterfall of warnings about Trump and voted for Harris. I’m laughing about how obtuse...


Legalized Murder is OK; ONLY In America

Celebrating… || CEO Thompson || Victims of Policy || Operational Practices || Metrics Prove the Malady|| Progress No More || Where? Celebrating a Killer is the Wrong Response I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.– Mark Twain It has been 45 days since an assailant with a 3-D printed gun shot and killed the CEO of United Healthcare on the streets of Manhattan. Immediately, before we even knew the name of the assailant, people were celebrating both the assassination and the supposed hero. Except — at least in my book — heroes do...

Finally Finished – My Music Video

Well, it’s almost entirely finished. George Lucas stated “…films are never completed, they’re only abandoned.”1 Well, I can understand. The video is not yet 100% to my liking, as there are certainly still a few problems. The lip-sync is faulty in a few places, one of the transitions is not yet to my liking, and one microphone shot — with the speakers in the background — is a bit too long. I also hope to have another session to shoot with the model, the wonderful Iveth Gomez from DFW. Since I now have a camera which can shoot in Cinema Mode,...


Homeless Heroics in Houston

Through no Fault || Overarching Crisis || Asking Ourselves || Solution Houston || Update 2407.31 One city works to solve a national embarrassment Through No Fault “When I pulled up to the house I knew something was wrong,” Art told me.  Yet it would be several days until he found out his world would soon be turned upside down. Art1 greeted the well-dressed man with Brylcreemed hair and an adulating assistant returning from the front door.  “Would you happen to know if Mr Smith2 is available?” “That’s my landlord.  I hardly ever speak to him.  I think he has a bunch...


Oh, The HYPOCRISY . . .

On Nov. 30, a man named Marcus Lamb died of Covid-19 in a sleepy suburb of Fort Worth. He is a distant relative of mine, though I have never met him. He is, however, related to family members I truly, deeply love. My sincere sympathy for loss goes out to my affected family members. I know they grieve, thus in my heart I grieve for their sense of loss. The story of why I write this is a long and complicated one. I do not doubt Mr. Lamb was a sincerely well-meaning person, whose love of his specific deities and attached...


A Bit Out Of Touch, Maybe?

“…hear me clearly, America is not a racist country.” Those are — believe it or not — the words of the only black Senator in Congress, Tim Scott (R-SC).  And here’s the most ubiquitously baffling part: he said this just after admitting how many times he’s been pulled over for driving while black, and how he’s followed in stores for being black. This came out as part of the Official Republican Response to Prez Biden’s first State of the Union speech, one in which he called out and stated one of the biggest threats to our nation being from within: radical...


The World Just Became A Better Place

A broadcaster acquaintance of mine used to say, and have on his old Website the maxim “A different world is possible”1. A variant form, related by a character in Carl Sagan’s sci-fi book and movie Contact — in response to an admission of unfairness — states a mind-numbing truism: “The world is what we make of it”. And now, the world is a better place. I know I will be called terrible ad hominin things for saying this.  And I don’t give a fuck.  But IMHO, the recent death of one of the most horrid and horrible humans to have ever...


Diary Entry, 2101.20: Inauguration Edition

Biden, Harris and the Hope for America  ||  Parler  ||  Questions about Rudy Giuliani ||  Movie Review: WONDER WOMAN 1984 ||  Movie Review: THE MIDNIGHT SKY || Media Review: The Mandalorian Biden, Harris and the Hope for America As of 11am today, Central time, America once again made me proud. With the inauguration of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr as the 46th President of the United States, I once again have hope for us, our country and even our planet. It will undoubtedly take the vast majority of the next 4 years to undo the damage done to our planet, our country,...


Deplorable America

Let me make it clear here that I am NOT condemning in one broad stroke every Republican or even every single Trump supporter/voter.  ONLY those who participated in the attempted Trump-led insurrection on Jan 6 and those who support — even subsequently — the authoritarian-style coup attempt which (by my prediction) turned deadly over one of the biggest lies in American history, that Trump, who lost the 2020 election by over 7 million votes, actually won. Fuck you, Trump, for all the damage you have done to America and American democracy.  And if you supported the attempted violent insurrection at the...


If Wikipedia Was Honest: Donald J. Trump Edition

note: the following was posted on popdust, and doesn’t even include some of the most horrible things he has said or done, ignores his disgusting comments about his own daughter (even as a baby), his multiple bankruptcies, etc. || for the original article: A profile of America’s greatest conman. By Keith Baldwin Donald Trump Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946)–also known by the aliases John Barron, John Miller, and David Denison—is the former villainous star of reality TV show The Apprentice and current villainous star of actual reality. Elected to the presidency of the United States—against the popular will...