Contributions to Microzine 8
Hello, my name is Paul Pearson, and if you would like to contribute to the next issue of my fanzine, Microzine (the next issue will be #9), I have put together this page to give information to prospective artists and authors. Artwork, short stories, comic media and more will be considered.
Does it pay?
Yes. Something, at least, which is better than a stick in the eye, as my grandfather used to say.
Generally, artwork is at a minimum $ 15 for a single page or similar, maybe $ 5-10 or so for smaller pieces, and custom prices for custom-ordered pieces. Stories longer than 2 pages for the max, usually about $ 40-50. Rates for persons given other numbers will be respected.
This is a labor of love, and I do this at a personal loss. Generally fanzines don’t pay at all, so if you want to get your work out there, this can be a perfect opportunity for you.
Contributors will also receive 2 copies either in person or USPost. If you have specific needs, let me know.
When are submissions needed?
The release date will be around mid-Sept., 2021, so I will need all things finalized around the first/second week of August. Preferably, the end of July for initial submissions.
What am I looking for?/What is needed?
I am interested in any artwork, essays, stories or similar in the genres of science fiction, fantasy and horror. I like dark horror, comedy, irrelevancy; I will consider just about anything.
Also needed: book & movie reviews.
I wouldn’t mind reviewing genre (and I am even open to non-genre items) which are scandalous, scurrilous, iconoclastic, sacrilegious, blasphemous, sexy, obscene, and generally not accepted everywhere in our overly Puritan patriarchy of the good ole’ theocratic U.S. of A.. Think Harlan Ellison’s Dangerous Visions for the modern day.
Right now, only b&w will be printed, but we are getting quotes from new printers, so we may do some color work, maybe the cover, maybe 1 or 2 inside pages. Inquire for more info.
If you have any specific questions, use the following Contact page: contact2 – Pearsonally Speaking
Tell me about editing.
I may do small edits to correct or change syntax, errors in spelling and punctuation, or similar. Edits will be given to authors prior to use. Authors reserve the right to reject such changes, which of course means such work may become rejected.
Where can I see an issue?
You can request a link to a free PDF of issue 7 by using the Contact link above.
Where else can I get a physical issue?
Some Houston-area stores do have copies. Contact me to pay for 1 copy for $ 7.50 including shipping, $ 5 for each additional copy.
Do you have a mailing address?
Paul R Pearson
139 Cypresswood Dr
Suite 160
Spring, TX 77388-6034
Physically submitted contributions become our property.