Making a Hero
The Newest Houston Hero
Disagree, maybe, we must. I will acknowledge there are valid arguments on both — indeed all — sides of this argument.
And no matter where you place your bets in this discussion, the only certainty is it’s one we must have.
On January 9 at a small but well-reviewed restaurant called Ranchito Taqueria #4 here in Houston, as diners peacefully munched on tacos and tostadas, a lone gun-wielding thug entered the scene. Wearing gloves and a medical mask, he pointed a handgun at the customers, threatening the lives of several patrons. He demanding wallets and money.
The deplorable scumbag thief, Eric Eugene Washington, 30, was not new to crime. This was not a one-off. Houston’s ABC News station, ABC13 wrote:
Records show that in 2015, Washington was convicted on a lesser charge of aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon and sentenced to 15 years in prison in connection to the shooting death of 62-year-old Hamid Waraich, a cell phone store owner. Houston police also charged two other men.
According to records, Washington was released on parole in 2021 and charged with assaulting his girlfriend in December 20221.
After a moment of terror in the secluded dining area, one of the patrons pulled out his own handgun (thankfully that is legal in TX) and shot the human crud 4 times, knocking him to the ground at the front of the restaurant. The customer approached and while the perp was trying to grab his fallen gun, shot 4 more times. When the customer realized the thief’s gun was a non-deadly prop, he shot the dying human scumbucket again, this time in the head. That is the best re-telling of details in this story, and is substantiated by several sources.
“Can’t be true. Not my son. That’s not the Eric we know, can’t be. That’s what went through my mind.” Understandably, she conveniently forgets that — yes — is WAS her son, the same one implicated in the death of Hamid Warrich
A friend/co-worker reminded me of the Rule of Threes2. Three yards, three rounds, three seconds. Yet in the heat of the moment, when a customer is led by fearful circumstances, an over-reaction was understandable. In my view the first 4 shots look justified, then with the perp trying to re-establish contact with the firearm, 4 more also look justified.
And despite my later arguments, even I will say the 9th and final shot — maybe — was excessive.
However the customer (who has not yet been named) is to my way of thinking an unmitigated, consummate hero. Let him be flown to D.C., given the Congressional Medal of Honor and a Standing Ovation in front of a joint session of Congress.
Consider one of the falsehoods devised by criminal apologists; mainly that the thief was on his way out the front door when the hero shot. I say “No” and “Nope” (see fig. 1). At one point the perp realizes he didn’t get anything from the person sitting to the far left of the video scene, sitting with his back to the façade. The angle and direction of the upheld gun prove this point.
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{Fig.1} The angle in this video proves human sleazeball Eric Eugene Washington was NOT leaving the taqueria when the heroic patron killed him.
An unedited 9 minute interview with his grieving mother was released a few days later. In it, the crying, angry mother understandably justifies the actions of her deceased son, and she also continues falsehoods. She states, for instance, that “He’s kind, he’s gentle, he never met a stranger. To know Eric is to love Eric.” A justifiable response is ‘why don’t you ask the several patrons of that taqueria if that’s the vibe they had when a gun was being pointed at them is of a loving person’? She also states maybe 3 times that Eric was leaving. See the screenshot. He clearly was not. He was directly pointing the “gun” at a patron he did not initially see in his terroristic entry into the crime scene.
Attorney Juan Guerra Jr released a statement for the patron/shooter: “..that man feared for his life and acted in self defense. This event has been very traumatic and taking a human life is something that will burden him for the rest of his life.”
And while the mom, Corine Goodman, stated “I hope he gets some time.” Thankfully for the liberal gun laws in TX, and especially since the discussion will go to a grand jury, not only will the patron not only get away scot-free, but his name (hopefully) will never be released, since no charges are likely to ever be filed.
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The perpetrator’s mom stated “He’s not the monster people picture him to be.” Yet apparently he is3. Again, the picture screenshotted above proves he was pointing the [fake] gun at a patron he had missed robbing previously.
The thief had a newborn son, roughly 4 mos old. It is truly sad that child will no longer have a biological father to help raise him, yet to my mind, that could be a good thing. A better future for that young child awaits.
In the end, I sincerely hope the patron gets off without arrest, meaning his name is never released, and he doesn’t become the target of thievery apologists. In time, my sincerest hope is that not only will the patron’s actions be seen as heroic, but the actions of the thief — and his consequences — be seen as a warning to others who are considering committing such crimes. And hopefully across America the final result will be fewer instances of street thug terrorism. And hopefully, with liberal Texas-style laws, America will be a place where criminals pointing guns at innocent people will be executed without regret or consequence.
Yes, I do feel for the grieving mom. More importantly, I feel for the heroic patron, who put his own life in danger to stop a despicable gun-wielding terrorist.
To the patron, I say “Thank you for making the world a better place.” Fuck that scumbag, who deserved to die a painful and humiliating death. And if you go to trial, I am Pearsonally contributing $1000 to your defense fund.
And to the spirited memory of Eric Eugene Washington, who showed throughout his life that he did not account for the life of others, I say 2 things. First, in a just world, there would be not a single tear shed in your memory. Secondly, I say without regret or apology, “Good riddance to bad trash.“
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-”; see the full interview about 1/3 down the page. For the original story about the killing of cell phone store owner Hamid Warrich’s death in 2013, see ;” ↵
So was the customer licensed
We do not know. His name and that much information was not released, however in TX you only need to take a course to carry.
I agree with the author. The good guy was the individual who shot the would-be robber. Unlike most people I know, I support the death penalty for those who kill without justification or defense, regardless of race or gender/sex, regardless if they are in uniform or other clothing, regardless if they are cops or preachers. You take a life, you forfeit your life.