Category: Essays

Easily Shattered 1

Resolving Resolutions

Certainly the most common promise to ourselves we break are New Year’s resolutions.  I resolve to have the resolve to resolve the resolution of my resolutions. Uhh…I think. 7.  Finishing + + One of these days, I’ll stop procrastinating.  But just not right now. Of course I have to do something.  And quick.  For quite a while I’ve put off taking the 2 tests, and receiving the 2 certifications, I need to begin making more money with haste.   A burgeoning financial dilema approaches, and I will — hopefully before things become desperate — be eligible for either an internal or...


Harlan Ellison, RIP

a remembrance HARSH LANGUAGE AHEAD.  OK, MAYBE NOT. As I recall, I was a wee 12 years of age when I first read the short story ‘”Repent, Harlequin”, Said the Ticktockman’.  Having heard about the famous short story from others, and conveniently holding a collection of short sci-fi, I must have read it twice that day.  At least. Eventually, as my immersion into sci-fi fandom became deeper, I collected and consumed his paperback short story collections in my later teen years, oftentimes from Waldenbooks in Southgate Mall, and increasingly from the huckster table mazes at sci-fi conventions in SE Michigan.  Second...


The Force Has Awakened

Yes, Everything Old Is New Again WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD, BUT I PROMISE NOT TOO, TOO MANY Mea Culpa Voluntaria I am proud to say many things regarding my moderately-immersive involvement in the universe known as Star Wars (although ‘galaxy’ would be more retentively accurate). I have seen every movie, excepting the first made, on opening day. The first, the original Star Wars (later retitled A New Hope), had to wait about a week for this young padawan’s presence. I did, however see it in one of the first limited-run 70mm prints. Wow. I have been alone in an elevator with the...

“Is It Farther Than The Stars?”

Puffs of Smoke “Why do they hate her?” Coda   {n.b.: This post is in limbo/suspension until a certain matter can be worked out. Until then, just go elsewhere.} note: this essay, in a slightly different form, appeared in one of my published works, this time in a collection of essays by a regional Atheism group who shall here remain nameless, as I otherwise love and respect them and their Director. However, my essay, and only my essay, was changed, chopped up, and indescribably mangled. I sent the editor, and copied to the Director, my concerns as to why I was...

Marcos Perez, Scumbag Extraordinaire

Marcos Perez, Scumbag Extraordinaire

We don’t yet know, above all, what the world might be like if children were to grow up without being subjected to humiliation, if parents would respect them and take them seriously as people. ― Alice Miller The first reality in some of today’s most prevalent “news” stories — far too often proffered, polished and promoted by any mental midget with a cell phone camera or computer — is the lack of objectivity accompanied by its unthinking acceptance by an uncritical populace unequipped to filter differences in importance between civil wars in Middle Eastern countries and Lady GaGa’s latest hair color....

Why I Party (Mostly) Green

n.b.: in the 8 years since I first started trying to post a blog, my disappointment and disillusion with the green party has grown to the level that in the past 8 years i have maybe only once voted for a gp candidate, thus i have decided (mar ’21) not to even attempt to refine this post Why I Party Green by Paul Pearson, posted at Pearsonally Speaking on Sept. 10, 2012 this post is still in the works “Huh?” “What?” “Who’s that?” “Is s/he Democrat or Republican?” “Whoever heard of him/her?” Such are the responses I receive when I answer...

The 5-Minute Hate Session

The 5-Minute Hate Session

The 5-Minute Hate I am reticent to admit it, but sometime, I give “the other side” a chance. Note the dichotomous language here, as if I represent one side, and “the other side” is a creature of a different color, a   As soon as my dial hit 88.3, KAFR, on the FM dial in Houston, I knew what was being said was, to say the least, not at all near the truth. The day is August 27, 2012, and I was on my way to work. Scanning the radio for some interesting talk, I stopped it on Bryan Fischer’s show...