Pearsonally Blog


Humanities Nirvana in Fort Worth

Today, wifey and I spent exactly $ 00.00 for free Saturday admission to the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth. The building itself on the outside resembled a vaulted German WWII bunker lining the beaches of Normandy. Inside, the open stretched gallery layout provided ample room and variability in illumination and display. Later this year, the main building turns 50. Designed by Louis Kahn, it was the last major project to finish before his passing. And no, he was not the brother of renown Detroit-based architect Albert Kahn. I’ve been to some of the top notch art museums in maybe 20...


Oh, The HYPOCRISY . . .

On Nov. 30, a man named Marcus Lamb died of Covid-19 in a sleepy suburb of Fort Worth. He is a distant relative of mine, though I have never met him. He is, however, related to family members I truly, deeply love. My sincere sympathy for loss goes out to my affected family members. I know they grieve, thus in my heart I grieve for their sense of loss. The story of why I write this is a long and complicated one. I do not doubt Mr. Lamb was a sincerely well-meaning person, whose love of his specific deities and attached...


Diary Entry 2111.28

Afterlife  ||  Thankful for Whom? Afterlife Having recently viewed the latest installment of the Ghostbusters franchise — and one which is an actual sequel to the two flicks from the 80s — I have posted my review. If you care to see that review, it can be found at: You will also find other reviews.  Feel free to comment, agree, disagree on any.  Unfortunately my book reviews are behind, as several titles I’ve consumed have failed to inspire me to cut time to review. Thankful for Whom? America just celebrated another feasting festival known as Thanksgiving, where supposedly the nation...


‘Hillary Clinton Tried to Warn Us – And Paid The Price; Let’s at Least Call Republicans What They Are’

[this post is taken directly from–and-paid-the-price-lets-at-least-call-what-they-are/, used w.o.p., because sometimes others say better all you want to say . . .basically, unfortunately, the entire fuckublican party has – by embracing trumpism and his baggage – become a worldwide embarrassment] Still, America’s political class is unwilling to call the fascist, white supremacist Republicans what they are By Chauncey DeVega Published September 22, 2021 5:50AM (EDT) During a speech in September 2016, Hillary Clinton — then the Democratic presidential nominee — warned the American people and the world of the dangers represented by Donald Trump and his followers. She described the “volatile...


My Open Letter to the Hindu American Foundation

Dear HAF, Although I am also secular, I call myself a Hindu.  I have an unexplainable and unshakable endogenous love, sympathy and empathy for Hinduism.  Indeed, my letterhead has my name in Sanskrit, and lists me as an Indophile.  People from India have informed me I know more about India than many people who spent most of their lives there.  I speak some Hindi and Urdu and did a term paper on advanced rain and floodwater collection advances in early cities of the Indus Civilization. Hinduism is known and admired by many, including me, for its openness, its acceptance; indeed, for...


A Bit Out Of Touch, Maybe?

“…hear me clearly, America is not a racist country.” Those are — believe it or not — the words of the only black Senator in Congress, Tim Scott (R-SC).  And here’s the most ubiquitously baffling part: he said this just after admitting how many times he’s been pulled over for driving while black, and how he’s followed in stores for being black. This came out as part of the Official Republican Response to Prez Biden’s first State of the Union speech, one in which he called out and stated one of the biggest threats to our nation being from within: radical...


Happy Star Wars Day!

Today, no politics (though I can’t promise that any other day!).  No history.  No personal pet peeves. I just want to wish my followers, friends and family a happy Star Wars Day, today, May the 4th, 2021. 2 years ago I went to the May the 4th Art Festival at a large open warehouse in Eado, purchased a few works of art, as did my wife, and in general was elated to be amongst my peers.  This year, for the 2nd time, there will not be a similar gathering, however if enough Americans drop their scientific ignorance and turn off FauxNews,...


Better Breathing Through Politics

At times like this, I think of the axiom “Inhale the future, exhale the past”.  My own breathing since the end of January has been better than it had in the previous 4+ years.  Right now, I don’t even know where my Albuterol inhaler is hiding. Gone are the days where I would wake up and instantly pick up my cell phone and tap Flipboard to catch up on the news.  What mean, insulting, idiotic Tweet did DJTrump shit out at 3 in the morning from the porcelain throne?  What latest announcement of horrid policy has been or will be announced...


The World Just Became A Better Place

A broadcaster acquaintance of mine used to say, and have on his old Website the maxim “A different world is possible”1. A variant form, related by a character in Carl Sagan’s sci-fi book and movie Contact — in response to an admission of unfairness — states a mind-numbing truism: “The world is what we make of it”. And now, the world is a better place. I know I will be called terrible ad hominin things for saying this.  And I don’t give a fuck.  But IMHO, the recent death of one of the most horrid and horrible humans to have ever...