A Tune For The Holidays, 2020-Style
”Let Us Grow” (to the tune of “Let It Snow”)
Oh, the Covid out there is frightening
But the truth within us is enlightening
Together we’ve one place to go:
Let us glow, let us grow, let us know
The tragedy wouldn’t be stoppin’
If it not for the doctors microscopin’
The brights didn’t care about the show,
Caring only on stopping the Covid on the go,
Now we got a relieving liquid charm,
How we need to get a shot in the arm,
To get Covid a hurried alarm
And reduce its horrid harm
So the plague is slowly dying
And, hopefully, we’re still trying
So our human families once again in haste
Social Distancing can again be displaced
And can begin, once again, to embrace
Let us glow, let us grow, let us know