Category: Far-Right Politics


Trump’s Messaging to American Racists

On Sunday, July 14, 2019, the person with the highest position in the world stooped to one of the lowest positions in the world: telling his opposition in Congress to [paraphrasing] ‘go back to their countries’. This hate-filled trope has been a common racist call – originally leveled at the Irish, Jewish, Italian and even African-descended immigrants – for over a century. Members of my family used to use it in regards to the Mexican-descended family across the street, despite being model citizens and neighbors and being entirely born here in the US. The same call was leveled against Muslims (even...


Ben Carson Examined: A Ludicrous Idea of History with a Smattering of Separationism

A lack of critical thinking can lead to Ben Carson becoming the Fuckublican party’s lead candidate for the most powerful elected office on the planet Beloved neurosurgeon-cum media whore Benjamin Solomon “Ben” Carson, Sr is — as of November 10, 2015 — pretty much the leading candidate for the Republican Party’s nomination for U.S. President.  His ideas, understandings of reality, and views on his personal superstitions’ place in our daily lives (a.k.a. his views on state/church separation) deserve a little scrutiny, as do any of his stated ideas regarding historical inquiry. Born in my own origin town of Detroit, Carson has...

Marcos Perez, Scumbag Extraordinaire

Marcos Perez, Scumbag Extraordinaire

We don’t yet know, above all, what the world might be like if children were to grow up without being subjected to humiliation, if parents would respect them and take them seriously as people. ― Alice Miller The first reality in some of today’s most prevalent “news” stories — far too often proffered, polished and promoted by any mental midget with a cell phone camera or computer — is the lack of objectivity accompanied by its unthinking acceptance by an uncritical populace unequipped to filter differences in importance between civil wars in Middle Eastern countries and Lady GaGa’s latest hair color....

The 5-Minute Hate Session

The 5-Minute Hate Session

The 5-Minute Hate I am reticent to admit it, but sometime, I give “the other side” a chance. Note the dichotomous language here, as if I represent one side, and “the other side” is a creature of a different color, a   As soon as my dial hit 88.3, KAFR, on the FM dial in Houston, I knew what was being said was, to say the least, not at all near the truth. The day is August 27, 2012, and I was on my way to work. Scanning the radio for some interesting talk, I stopped it on Bryan Fischer’s show...