Category: Movies & TV


So Low Solo

THIS REVIEW IS IN THE WORKS In the modern day trade of blood diamonds, human cargo, forced servitude, kidnappings for shackled dungeon sex bondage, and with the rise of authoritarian right-wing totalitarianism, it’s not at all refreshing to know these attributes are evident in a galaxy far, far away and a long time ago.  Well, honestly some of these things are not touched upon in Solo: A Star Wars Story, but you get the idea. This is the world shady young galactic hustler Han Solo has to navigate, find his way through, and build his business and reputation. And where each...


The Force Has Awakened

Yes, Everything Old Is New Again WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD, BUT I PROMISE NOT TOO, TOO MANY Mea Culpa Voluntaria I am proud to say many things regarding my moderately-immersive involvement in the universe known as Star Wars (although ‘galaxy’ would be more retentively accurate). I have seen every movie, excepting the first made, on opening day. The first, the original Star Wars (later retitled A New Hope), had to wait about a week for this young padawan’s presence. I did, however see it in one of the first limited-run 70mm prints. Wow. I have been alone in an elevator with the...