Soteria: Salvation in Early Christianity and Antiquity Ed. by David S. du Toit, Christine Gerber & Christiane Zimmerman
Soteria: Salvation in Early Christianity and Antiquity: Festschrift in Honour of Cilliers Breytenbach on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (Supplements to Novum Testamentum, 175)
681 pages
Brill Academic, 2019
This important book on ancient salvation in the post-Hellenic world was released in 2019, and is still very expensive to purchase. I was able to get my hands temporarily on a copy through an interlibrary loan. Of course I scanned and made .pdfs of a few of the most important chapters.
Many references to obscure mss. and arcane art and rituals. Will provide valuable contributions to my next book of religious history.