Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class – And What We Can Do about It by Thom Hartmann
Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class – And What We Can Do about It
249 pages
Berrett-Koehler Publishers; Expanded ed. edition (April 28, 2007)
Short single-volume treatise on Progressive values
Review written March 07, 2017
To me, this book has a rare unique feature: it is on the rare list of two different ratings. It 1) has a rating of 4 stars out of 5, and 2) is one of the few books I would recommend to each and every American.
If one single tome explains the reasons behind what Bill O’Reilly pejoratively calls the “SPs”, the Secular Progressives, this is it.
A must read.